Allison Arieff

Allison Arieff is an architecture and design writer and editor.

She is currently the Editorial Director of Print at MIT Technology Review. Arieff previously served as the Editorial Director of SPUR, an urban planning and policy think tank, was the founding Editor of Dwell Magazine, and was a contributing Opinion writer for the New York Times.

In 2019 we invited Allison to Honolulu to deliver the Sakamaki Extraordinary Lecture: “Density Done Right”. She has collaborated with HHL on the Future of Hawaii’s Housing Project.

Designing for density doesn’t have to be ugly, or scary and yet the popular conception is that it must be.

David Baker FAIA, LEED AP

David Baker founded David Baker Architects in 1982, and in 1996 was selected as Fellow of the American Institute of Architects.

He has guided and overseen the design of more than 13,000 apartment and condo units, 6,000 of which are affordable, including a pipeline of more than 1,500 modular units. In 2009 he received the Hearthstone Builders Humanitarian Award, honoring the 30 most influential people in the housing industry of the past 30 years.

In 2019 the HHL team invited David to discuss his ideas for the Future of Hawai‘i’s Housing.

Good design shouldn’t be sacrificed because everything is so much more expensive in Hawai’i.

Philip M.E. Garboden, Ph.D.

Philip M.E. Garboden is the HCRC Professor in Affordable Housing Economics, Policy, and Planning at the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.

HHL’s team has been consulting with Dr. Garboden on both the Future of Hawai‘i’s Housing project and the development of the Holistic Housing Toolkit.

Public Housing Authorities in general, and HPHA in particular are in a uniquely powerful position when it comes to the affordable housing crisis.

Marsha Maytum FAIA, LEED AP

Marsha Maytum is a founding Principal at Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects in San Francisco.

Her work has received over 90 regional, national and international design awards and has been recognized by organizations including the American Institute of Architects, Urban Land Institute, National Trust for Historic Preservation, U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Green Building Council, and the 2014 ICC National Leadership in Sustainability Award.

In 2019 the HHL team sat down to discuss her thoughts on the Future of Hawai‘i’s Housing.

There is no plan B. We have to figure this out.